السبت، 18 يونيو 2016

Dabke Palestin

In Palestine, the Dabke by the occupation take the form of events, after the catastrophe of 1948 took Dabke form of struggle, because Israel is fighting this cultural heritage and Tagirh her. This revival of Dabka take an organized form at the beginning of the eighties, it was in the West Bank many experiences Kfrqh Palestinian folk arts that do not yet continues to operate, and the Task Ramallah and the Task Jezreel Valley and the Task cartoonist .

نغم العرب الشعبيAnd a group of teams that put right foundations Dabka form orderly crossing of the civilization of the Palestinian people Shami and download this heritage to international forums and the world in the sense that the popularity of the eighties Dance Troupe and so far these teams operate on the domestic and international offerings.نغم العرب الشعبي Dabke is of Palestinian customs and traditions and clings to and maintained generation after generation and also the People Dabkeh widespread and common in the northern provinces Kfrqh Ramtha and South Kfrqh gloss Northern Badia. نغم العرب الشعبيDabke Palestinian weddingDabke play a key role in the Palestinian wedding, and Dabke known and popular in abundance in the Hebron area, north of Palestine and to the south of the Jezreel Valley and Wadi Ara and parts of the northern West Bank are Dabke Aldlona (Recall that in the central and southern regions of Palestine spread Dabke Aljobeh). نغم العرب الشعبي Used for the Palestinian Dabke wedding dramatically Almjos Alergol drum machines and to a lesser extent the clarinet. Divided Dabke into several main sections, with the whole it is considered Dabke Dlona because the singer Dabke mainly depends on the song Aldlona and the weight of a song Zarif length and other (with all types known in the north of Palestine, Lebanon and Horan are the same Dabke and the same basic movements Dabke but frequencies and speeds different).Dabke types Palestine

Dabke Sha'rawiya usually Ttbek to the tune of Alergol, with a fast rhythm, a traditional Dabke known in the Levant, is Dabke Alderazi, نغم العرب الشعبي Ttbek with clasped hands.
Dabke Alderazi are the same Dabke Sha'rawiya movements and with the same frequency but a slow, quiet movements to the tune of Ttbek Almjos, Ttbek with clasped hands.
North Dabke so called because the movement begins to men left (north) also ends LEFT, Ttbek to the tune of Almjos and Alergol, characterized Bhrkadtha quick and rapid rhythm with it remains the same frequency Dabke Alderazi and Sha'rawiya They need high fitness characterized as Ttbek with a show of hands on the shoulders.
Bedouin Dabke from the same platoon North Dabke Dabke is Sbaoah Ttbek with a show of hands on the shoulders. Alderazi remain the same frequency and Trichophyton.
Dabke Sbaoah from the northern species, Ttbek with a show of hands on the shoulders, called "Spaoah" because it is a seven pumpkins, finished seventh man right.
Dabke military Ttbek with a show of hands on the shoulders and gait movements are similar to military movements in the beginning to develop into a northern half or Erjh, tabla considered an important tool in this Dabke.
Movements known during the DabkeLiquidity is a movement in the Dabke is characterized by the exit of Ruwais or Alloih fast Bagafz with a variety of movements of his successor. Often used at the end of Aldlona and exit Dabke of walking to Altbek clip.Alkrjh is a movement in the Dabke Ttbek returned during gait and vocals singer exceptionally, or during Dabke military in its heyday.Dabke Zarif Height: spreads meted praise and inspection for Mnavb sweet girl or a boy, or virtues in humans and these are used for spinning at weddings and other events.Dabke alone textDabke TobasahTbekhalkradah or volatile: It is characterized by the rapid rhythm, it must be practiced had the decency and the rapid movement and have homogeneity in motion with their peersDabke Aldlona: an average of rhythm, and became Aldlona new songs sung words but at the same broom with different words, as if to say, for example: the Dlona and put any words we want, according to the occasion.

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